Make a Splash with Live Video

When you aren’t sure how exactly to use a new tool or platform, sometimes it’s best to jump right in.

For those who haven’t tried incorporating a video strategy into their social media and marketing routines, or don’t feel like they have the ability to invest time or money in pulling together a more polished video, live video can be a great entry point. It can be fun, easy and done with equipment you already have on your phone, computer or tablet.

It might feel scary to go live, but that raw and personal aspect is also what makes live video so enticing. Live video hasn’t been edited and glossed over. People respond to real people in real situations. Now is also an especially important time to test the live video waters, with audiences increasingly interested and influenced by video.

Grab your phone and go. Recording live can be exciting, in part because you don’t know what will happen. That’s OK! You already have the tech and tools you need, so turn your camera on yourself and others for quick in-the-moment reflections, interviews from the conference floor or a behind-the-scenes view of your launch party. Live video can enhance your existing social media strategy and complement any produced videos you are already doing as part of a campaign,

Once you feel more confident and comfortable with live video, consider traveling with a small tripod for a cleaner look. Be prepared at any moment. At first, it might not feel natural, but you can work on your delivery over time.

Put your people up front. You might feel at a loss of what to put on the screen. A great company has great employees and great clients. Put your people out there. Think about what makes your community unique and share that with others. Live video can spotlight your company and build connections. Consider having employees do an Instagram takeover once a week to document their routine. Press record and try a timelapse video of a busy day in the office.

Step back and make a plan. Once you get your feet wet, it’s your time to enjoy and explore. Don’t give up. Perhaps your audience didn’t respond to your first live video. Don’t worry—this is new for them too. Once you have the rhythm of posting, they’ll have the routine of checking in to see what you’re up to. Set a goal of trying a certain number of live videos over several months, then check in and think about building your strategy. What worked and what didn’t?

Have fun experimenting and encourage others within your organization to do so as well. If your people aren’t on YouTube, try Instagram Stories. Tease your videos in your newsletter and social media posts.

It might be easier than you think!