4 Little-Known Features to Make the Most of Google Calendar

Ding! That’s the sound of another meeting request coming through. Is your calendar working as hard as you are to keep life running smoothly?

Chances are a digital calendar keeps you mostly on track—you may even depend on one to schedule promotions and social media, as well as remind you when to go to the dentist. The ability to quickly create appointments and receive needed reminders is truly helpful, but you may be totally unaware of other digital calendar features that can push your productivity and make communications easier on your clients and coworkers.

Thanks to PC Mag’s recent post 12 Google Calendar Tricks You’re Probably Not Using, we have a few new tricks for G Suite users. Here are four favorites.

Keep track of holidays

Did you accidentally double-book yourself for the big game? Do major and minor holidays sneak up on you? Google Calendar has several calendars of interest that you can browse and add, without having to plug in the date of every holiday yourself. You can even track the phases of the moon.

Set the agenda

You may already start the day with a glance at your inbox. Thanks to Google Calendar, you can opt in to receiving an email at 5 a.m. each morning with your daily agenda pulled from your existing calendar events.

Find the right time

Instead of asking coworkers when they are free and combing through responses, find a time that works for everyone in Google Calendar. When you click the +Create button to create your event, select “More Options” and then the “Find a Time” tab. Add your guests and Google Calendar will pull up their calendars so you can see when each person is free. If they already have something scheduled, that time will be marked as “Busy.”

Hangout in an events

It’s important to keep meetings running without a hitch—even when everyone isn’t in the same room. If you have colleagues working remotely, invite them to join you for a video conference on Google Hangouts. When creating an event, select the “Add Conferencing” option to generate a video call URL to go in the invite. (Google Calendar is also compatible with other VOIP services.)

For the more details and tips, read the full article at pcmag.com.