8 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Website Redesign

Today, websites provide the first impression of your brand and credit union to your audience. Your website should reflect your brand as it is today (not as it was 5 or 10 years ago). In today’s ever-increasing digital world, it is imperative for credit unions to have easy-to-use, well-designed, responsive websites. However, redesigning your website isn’t a task to take lightly. Many credit unions don’t know where to start or when’s the right time to embark on a website redesign project.Here are some questions to ask yourself to help better determine whether or not you should consider a website redesign.

Does your website work for your and your members?

Does your website still function how it was intended to? Ever go to a site that takes forever to load, then once you’re there you can’t find anything you’re looking for – frustrating, we know. A long load time can greatly impact on your websites overall success. This might be obvious, and your website might not be that bad, however, there may still be elements of your website holding you back. Whether it is to provide information, gain new members, generate new leads your website should be able to perform its main function – not just be a place for members to login to online banking.

Does it align with your current corporate strategies and marketing goals?

Over time credit unions strategies and goals evolve, has your website evolved with them?  Have  you launched new products and services, but they aren’t reflected on your website? Your website should reflect your current strategy, your current brand, and your current goals. This is especially important when trying to gain new members or sell a certain product or service. Your members and potential members visit your website before making a decision about your products and services. Your website should be as distinctive and professional as your brand.

Is your website ADA compliant?

This is a big one – when was the last time you thought about how accessible your website is for those with visual impairments? Ensuring that your website is ADA compliant is something that every credit union should consider. ADA compliance includes everything from the size of the font that is used on your website to the color scheme your website uses. When considering a website redesign, this should be considered in the project from beginning to end.

Does your website have a high ranking on google?

Is your target audience able to find you with a simple google search? After people google something, they rarely look beyond the first page of results. Your website should be top of the list when someone in your market area searches the products and services you offer. Your website should incorporate SEO search engine optimization. SEO should be incorporated throughout your website’s content, programming and organization. The success of a site can be completely dependent on how and where it shows up in search results.

Is it responsive?

As mobile usage is on the rise, having a responsive site not only improves the user experience, but helps improve your SEO ranking. We live in a multi-screen world, and your website should be able to meet your members and potential members where they are. Not having a responsive website could be costing potential business. Today people want the same experience they get on their desktops on their mobile devices too.

Does your website provide an excellent user experience?

Does your website have intuitive navigation? Are people able to find things easily within your site? A successful website includes an intuitive navigational structure. If your website offers visitors a lot of information and navigational options, this could be overwhelming to your audience. Visitors to your page should be able to easily access the information they want.

It looks outdated.

Every website should have a unique and visually appealing interface. Not just focusing on function, your website should deliver a great aesthetic experience too. Most people judge the credibility of a business solely on the design of their website.

Are there outdated materials and information on our website?

Outdated third party links, information, and materials could greatly impact the user experience. Having up to date content and materials on your website will not only provide a better experience but will also help your SEO ranking.

The main thing to keep in mind is asking yourself how you (your brand) want to be presented to your members or customers. Your website is your digital storefront, treat it that way. After all, we all want to make a good first impression and keep people coming back.

Want more information on redesigning your website? Shoot us an email (connect@epicmc2.com),  we’d be happy to chat more.