Open your next conversation with a compliment

For success, and especially to obtain employment, one’s knowledge and skills are less useful and less important than one’s network of personal contacts. – Wiktionary

In other words, It’s not what you know, but who you know.

Because we know this proverb to be true, you should always be building and maintaining relationships. Of all types. Whether it’s for work, a side project or just going about your personal life.

One of the best ways to ease into a conversation is to open with a compliment. Or a question. Or both.

You: “What have you been working on lately?”

[Person replies.]

You: “Well, I have to say, it sounds like you did a great job on that.”

You’ve just set the right tone for a pleasant conversation.

Often times people can have their guard up or are naturally apprehensive, especially if they don’t know you that well.

Help put them at ease by paying a compliment. It’s probably one of the nicest things someone will do for them all day.

Don’t you want to be that person who makes someone’s day?

When you pay someone a compliment, it can often lead to reciprocal feedback. While that always feels good, that shouldn’t be your primary purpose in paying a compliment.

Compliments should come from the heart and be genuine. More often than not, it will lead to a fruitful conversation that both parties will remember.