Take Back Your Browser for Less Distraction

You have how many tabs open?

The internet is wide open for discovery. But sometimes that discovery can be distracting.

With endless essays, recipes, tip sheets, profiles, and articles at our fingertips, it’s easy to end up with too much to view.

Chances are, you have too many tabs open. Instead of focusing on one thing, your brain is rapidly switching between tasks or looking for a distraction. This can quickly lead to fatigue or burnout!

You may have what we call, browser distraction. Discovery is fun, but there’s a way to make it a little less…messy.

Here are a few ways to make sense of the chaos.

With Mailist, you can turn your interests into a weekly newsletter. This free extension turns your tabs into links sent to you in a weekly email. You can choose how many links are delivered, and Mailist also sends recommendations. Plus, a follow-up email reminds you about that article on that thing you think you meant to read somewhere….

Another option to corral your many tabs is Toby, a plug-in that allows you to create categories where you can drag and drop webpages for later reading. It’s a way to organize, store, and share information. Additionally, Toby research claims using the tool can save you time and help build communication.

Pocket is a way to store and save, as well as discover. Add this Mozilla extension so you can save articles to read later, and get reading recommendations every time you open a new tab on Firefox. You can find articles tailored to your interests and leave room for intriguing finds.

In the course of a normal business day, it’s all too easy to be sucked down rabbit holes on the internet. Hopefully these tips will help you overcome browser distraction and get back to being focused and productive!