Lead the Way in 2020: Goal Setting

Are you setting your goals as a manager?

If you have projects you want to manage for 2020, your employees probably do too. However setting your goals may not necessarily align with their goals.

Setting goals for a new year can trigger reflection in us all, and we may find ourselves wondering if we’re in the right role.

That’s why we know it’s important to create opportunities where staff can build on their strengths. For instance, you may have an excellent employee but if that employee feels unfulfilled or at odds with their role, they may decide to look for new employment elsewhere. Instead of simply letting them depart, try to fulfill their needs, assign them a new role that better fits their skill set, and help them reach their full potential. Give them the chance to shine.

We loved reading this article in Fast Company about purpose-driven leaders in the workplace.

Aaron Hurst, CEO and cofounder of Imperative, shares:

“As our global economy shifts towards a more inclusive model that is not destroying the planet, purpose-driven leaders are the ones creating more responsible businesses and products, and mobilizing the best employees to contribute towards something greater than profits. And the demand for purpose-driven leaders is growing, because it’s good for business, too.”

Mikaela Kiner, CEO of Reverb and author, shares:

“It’s incredibly important to be intentional about your goals in growing, and you should go so far as to even write your own leadership manifesto. Think about how you will build a set of shared values, and what kind of legacy you want to leave. Talk early and often about your mission and purpose as a team and measure the impact you’re having.”

For more tips and ideas on setting goals as a manager or empowering your employees in 2020, read the rest of the article: Purpose-driven leaders will occupy your workplace in 2020: Here’s how to maximize them.