5 Social Media and Marketing Resolutions

What are your goals for communications and marketing in the new year?

In our professional lives, we’re all about data, touch points, and tracking. This time of year, you may feel like everyone is talking like a marketing professional. Right now, it’s all about setting goals and coming up with plans to reach them, both personally and professionally.

So, what are your social media marketing and communications resolutions for 2020?

We have a few ideas to get you started.

Protect your privacy

In the 2010s, privacy became one of the defining themes of a decade spent online. Stories on data breaches and data mining became all too commonplace, and we were reminded time and again that we must remain vigilant.

This year, take charge of your data. Understand what information you are sharing and decide what steps you can take to protect your privacy, whether through apps, what you share on social media or security settings on a device. Perhaps now is the time to change settings on your phone, switch to a different browser or clean out apps you no longer use.

Verify your sources

Another theme of recent years was the spread of misinformation. Looking ahead, continue to be vigilant by choosing news sources wisely and understanding how to spot false stories.

We can all be fact-checkers in 2020. And if you want to add an element of learning to this resolution, consider watching a free webinar from Poynter on tools, tips, and methods to better train your eagle eye.

Try a new platform

TikTok, Reddit, WhatsApp, Giphy⁠—the list of social media platforms goes on and on. What were you on in 2019? There’s more than the big three social media sites of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 

What will be the breakout social media site for 2020? What site will matter for your audience? Be savvy and discover where your people are gathering. Don’t be shy! It may be unexpected and fun to try. 

Revisit old favorites

A sense of adventure is important, but at the same time it’s also important not to forget your roots. For example, 68 percent of Americans are on Facebook. Even if you already have a page, are you interacting with your audience in a smart and effective way?

Instead of simply saying, “Been there, done that,” go back to the drawing board. Don’t be afraid to rewrite the rules later in the game. Just like tracking down old pals in the real world, you may find this year is the time to strike up a meaningful conversation or rekindle a lost connection.

Envision the future

We’re all in for a treat, because 2020 is not only the start of a new year but a new decade. You may have been surprised looking back on the past 10 years to see what changed. (“We did what with our email marketing?!”)

What do you think your reaction will be to 2020 when you look back on it from the next new decade?

Think big! Envision the future and you may find yourself with an incredible discovery.