Set Your ‘Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal’ in 2020

Five, four, three, two, one…liftoff! 

With 12 open months stretched out ahead of us, the start of the year brings with it a special clarity and focus.  What do you want to accomplish in 2020? Here are three quotes that inspire us to shoot for the moon.

“It’s the person you become in the pursuit of that goal.”

We are firm believers in SMART goals: using clear numbers to paint a picture of where we want to go and how we want to get there. However, we have to admit that Chris Do, an award-winning designer and entrepreneur, has captured our attention with his talk of “big, hairy, audacious” goals.

Through his work—and particularly his role as the founder of The Futur, an online education platform that teaches the business of design to creatives—Do is on a mission to teach a billion people how to make money doing what they love.

In a conversation with Entrepreneur, Do explains he believes that goals are supposed to make you feel a little uneasy, because it will take a lot of hard work and time to achieve them. Although you may not reach the goal, working toward a moonshot can lead to remarkable opportunities and transformation.

“The best missions are in the present leading to the future and are meaningful to all audiences.”

In an interview with Forbes, Judy Herbst, marketing director for online marketplace Worthy Inc., shared the above advice when asked about goal setting. An example of such a mission, she adds, is “helping women achieve success with transparency, trust, and fairness”—and that is something that can be conveyed across any platform or channel. 

Herbst’s quote makes us think of a mission statement as a roadmap to the future,  with clear and understandable directions. Although the journey to reach one’s goals may not always be smooth, when we believe in the destination and know it is one we can reach together, the mission feels well worth any turbulence.

“No matter what point you’re at in your career plan, it’s never too late to start learning new skills.”

The start of a new year is the start of a new chapter. Fresh stories are waiting to be told, but these stories build upon previous ones. In this way, although you are starting a new year, you are bringing with you all the knowledge and experiences you have collected up to this point.

As social media and marketing strategist Brian Peters shares on his website, learning new skills can make you indispensable. We are always learning, and investing in your education—whether through reading articles and books, listening to podcasts, watching videos, or learning to create any of those items yourself—is a gift that keeps giving.