3 Ways to Improve Your SEO Strategy

SEO strategy requires you to work behind the scenes and find ways to improve, establish, and sprinkle keywords related to your business across multiple platforms.

On average, people conduct more than 5 million searches every day on Google. If your business shows up at the top of the results page, you’re doing pretty well. Consider this: the first five results on Google get about 70 percent of all clicks.

But how do you get there? The answer is SEO. The name in itself—search engine optimization—sounds positive. Who wouldn’t want to optimize? But you might be unclear exactly what you’re optimizing and how.

Think of SEO this way: What are you known for and how do you want to be known?

The answers you generate are the keywords and phrases that make up your SEO efforts. However, even with thoughtful brainstorming and targeted application, you may still not realize all the places to plug in your SEO keywords.

When you walk down Main Street, you likely recognize the purpose of businesses without having to stop inside. A place called Smith’s Family Hardware clearly shares its purpose through its name. Think of how the title of your blog or website needs to be similarly descriptive. For example, there’s a big difference between smithsfamilyhardware.com and smiths.com.

Once you’ve tackled your website, think about your social media profiles. Use personalized URLs for each platform and make sure the keywords and phrases that represent your core business are everywhere online—in every bio, on every page.

In the world offline, SEO is still important. Is your cool, minimalist business card telling your full story? If your business card simply includes a name, phone number, and website address, that gives little information about who you are and what you do.

Consider adding a key phrase (hint, hint—it can likely be found in your SEO-filled website descriptor) or meaningful job title to your business card. You may also want to review additional marketing materials, like brochures and even letterhead, to see if people understand your brand beyond its logo. By making a few well-thought-out changes will improve your SEO strategy and possibly boost your visibility.