6 Reasons to Shop Local

Shop Local…

Shopping locally is something you’ve heard you should be doing, but you might not know why. It’s time to lose the mystery. Learn how small businesses impact your community and economy.

Did you know that when you spend your money at a local business, you…

  • Create local jobs
  • Encourage choice
  • Grow community

Supporting neighborhood organizations is about more than simply helping a neighbor in business—although you might have a neighbor who owns or works in a local shop! It’s about making a seemingly little decision that can have a great impact. And remember, you can choose to shop online at a local business, too.

So, are you ready to better understand why the decision matters? Here are six reasons:

Keep money in your local economy

When you support local businesses, you put money into the pockets of those who live and work in the same community as you. In doing so, you are investing in their work and businesses.

Shop local to create jobs and opportunities

Spending money in your community doesn’t make a difference for one shop owner. It makes a difference for everyone who works at that store. This means that you create opportunities for everyone in your community. When you buy from your neighborhood business, you also invest in local entrepreneurship. Additionally, this also opens the door to more woman- and minority-owned businesses.

Shop local to help the environment

Locally grown produce takes a quick trip from farm to your table! With less fuel and packaging needed, buying local uses fewer resources and conserves energy. Beyond the farmers market, consider what impact you could have. Make a change to your shopping habits. Consider locally produced or sold goods the next time you are shopping.

Shop local to encourage choice and variety

Do you wish you had an expert to give you purchase recommendations? Lucky you! In a small business, you can receive insider treatment. That’s because the people who open small businesses often do so because they feel passionate about bringing their talents and interests to a greater group. So, ask for the advice of employees. When you do, you show that you care by engaging with your local shop owners. You might discover something new for yourself along the way!

Shop local to deepen roots in your community

When business owners commit to running their mom-and-pop shop, they are usually also committing to a community. As business blooms, their roots into the community are strengthened and deepened. They become not only business owners but community leaders. For example, they may sponsor community activities, run for local office or champion local nonprofits.

Shop local to enhance your neighborhood

You’ve heard it all—small businesses bring variety, entrepreneurship, passion, and care to the communities they call home. They help create a neighborhood for everyone to enjoy and thrive in. So, support the local economy. When you do, you will improve the outlook of small businesses as well as your shopping options. Ultimately, you will strengthen your community.

Are you with a local business transitioning to the online world? If you want to learn more, explore Epic’s full series on how to take your business virtual.


girl pointing at pastries