
Man In Blue Denim Jacket Holding A Megaphone
How Does Content Spread For Your Audience?
Want to gain traction with your social posts online? Make it easy for your followers to find and share. Shouting into a void is just that – sharing a message which no one will hear. If your organization wants to...
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Red and Black Mail Box
Email Marketing or Newsletter Marketing: Which is Better?
There are many tools to use in the marketing toolbox, so many that it’s worth delving into what makes each one unique. Is email marketing or newsletter marketing right for your organization? Now hear this: Email marketing and newsletter marketing...
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Macro Photography of Pile of 3 Cookie
Use Incentive Marketing to Activate Your Audience
Everybody likes a little reward for good behavior! Encourage your top fans to become even more engaged with incentive marketing. Incentive marketing techniques are a trusted tool in your audience engagement toolbox. Use them! Marketing and communications can be confusing....
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Selective Focus Photography of Gray Stainless Steel Condenser Microphone
Choosing the Right Podcast Topic Means Finding Your Niche
A quality microphone. Audio recording software. A web hosting service. While podcasting may be easier than you think, there are several steps to complete before launch. What’s the most important? Zeroing in on the right topic, of course. Choosing the...
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Selective Focus Photography of Person Using Iphone X
User-Generated Content: From Audience to Advocate
User-generated content, or UGC, makes your biggest fans the stars of your social media feed—creating community and sharing the burden of creativity. User-generated content is a winning addition to your social media strategy because it has multiple benefits. You likely...
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Gray Metal Hand Railings
Accelerated Marketing Is the New ‘Going Viral’
Seeing your content spread like wildfire is an incredible marketing opportunity. But it can’t necessarily be planned. Or can it? Don’t deny it: Seeing your organization’s content “go viral” is a little bit of a dream. Why wouldn’t it be?...
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Blue Umbrella on Black Stairs
Rainy Day Marketing Makes the Most of Any Weather
Rainy days got you down? There are storms to weather on social media, but not every cloudy forecast will be a washout. Listen up marketers, rainy days can yield flowers if you’re willing to pull out the marketing umbrellas. As...
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Rows of Empty Green Audience Seating
Customize CU Communications With Marketing Personas
Marketing personas help you know the people in your neighborhood. Crafting strong marketing personas for your credit union could change the way you communicate. Through this marketing and storytelling tool, you can make your communications more personalized, detailed, and effective....
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person holding white android smartphone to look at social media app comments and reactions
Like or Love: Social Media Reactions
Is your social media relationship ready for the next step? It’s time to move from “like” to “love.” Learning the true meanings behind social media reactions “like” and “love” could be just as helpful to marketers as it is to...
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gray laptop computer showing html codes in shallow focus photography
Why Your Credit Union Website Should Be ADA Compliant
Providing for all members means an accessible and enjoyable experience—in branches and online. When you think about Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and your credit union, are you thinking about your website? Accessibility goes beyond the physical world. So,...
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