credit union marketing

Aerial view of neighborhood community
How Credit Unions Can Focus on Community-Oriented Marketing
Uplift your neighbors and community. Your credit unions should focus on marketing related to education, information, and support.
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Credit Union Marketing: Have a Plan to Implement Your Ideas
Annual Credit Union Marketing Plan By Month It is important to create a marketing plan that supports your Credit Union’s overall strategic goals. You might be focusing more on gaining new memberships rather than on new loans. Or you might...
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A girl and two childerns sitting behind a person standing
Credit Union Marketing Strategies: Introducing the Xennial
Introducing the Xennial It’s time to reevaluate your credit union marketing and note what has worked and what needs some fine-tuning. Financial marketing has focused heavily on capturing the ever-demanding attention of the mobile-first user, especially Millennials. While Millennials will...
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A mobile with a social media icon placed on hand with a black background
Mobile Search and Why Credit Unions Need to Care
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Mobile Search Is Important to Credit Union Marketing Credit unions! Are your websites optimized for mobile search? With a total number of estimated smartphone users in the US topping 224.3 million in 2017, there’s no doubt that we’re all doing...
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