5 Adaptable Marketing Resolutions to Inspire Businesses

This year, what if we try to apply the spirit of New Year’s resolutions to our marketing practices? Maybe it could strengthen our resolve on multiple fronts.

The best goals are specific and measurable. But sometimes, you simply need a little direction to get your creative juices flowing. For business professionals reflecting on their past year and thinking ahead, we have five adaptable marketing resolutions. You don’t need a big budget to put these goals on your list. You don’t need a fancy product. In fact, all you need is a willingness to look inward and sense of determination.

Just as we meditate about what’s most important to us in our lives, it’s vital to revisit the foundational values of our brand. Ask yourself: What do we stand for? This year, make a commitment to convey these values more authentically through your social media presence. It’s not just about promoting a product or service; it’s about sharing your brand’s story and ethos.

A strong brand is the cornerstone of a strong business. It’s about more than brand recognition, although that’s certainly part of the equation. When you have a strong and respected brand, you likely also have a following of loyal customers. Loyal customers mean a larger market share and improve your chances of business success. Consider this: Trust creates value. Word-of-mouth marketing and referrals are incredibly desirable marketing tools. After all, 58% of consumers say they have recommended a company they trust to friends and family, according to PwC’s 2023 Trust Survey.

While big brands might hire a market research firm to analyze and assess their brand strength, there are ways businesses of all sizes can gain insights. Surveys and social listening campaigns offer a window into brand perception. Send your audience thoughtful, carefully crafted messages this year. Then, pay attention to your strategy. You’ll see what is resonating and be able to make adjustments.

Nurturing our personal relationships and staying in connection with the people in our communities is one of the most essential elements of a happy life. Likewise, building a community around your brand is equally important. Platforms like LinkedIn offer invaluable opportunities to grow your professional network.

LinkedIn is a great resource for finding user-generated content for use cases: “If people are openly sharing experiences about using your product or service, this can be powerful in terms credibility and relatability. It’s one thing to talk about how your solution can help; it’s another to demonstrate it, practically, through a customer’s point-of-view.” You can also use the platform to a create a LinkedIn Group. There, you can connect with peers interested in the same niche topics you’re exploring through your work. Or, forge connections with people that bring diverse perspectives.

You could also bring some community building into the real world. Create networking events or meetup groups where people can get together to discuss industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.

Engage actively with content that speaks to you, join in on discussions about topics you’re passionate about, and connect with new people in your field to learn something new while growing your network. Remember, a strong network is a two-way street; it’s about giving as much as you receive.

The act of helping others, such as offering recommendations on LinkedIn, not only strengthens bonds but also boosts your brand’s positive image. Make one of your marketing resolutions to focus on how your brand can contribute to the community. Whether it’s through insightful content, helpful recommendations, or supporting other businesses, every little bit counts.

Thinking ahead about what your audience could use or need is a fundamental part of great marketing. Sharing useful content that will benefit your audience is a way to demonstrate your brand’s subject matter authority. At the same time, you can educate others on topics where your curiosity and expertise are strongest. Why not try a new way of delivering your most helpful content in a new format! Whether it’s launching a webinar series on new trends in your industry, getting creative with new approaches to the classic how-to-guide, or informative blog post, you’ll get the added benefit of mastering a new skill while helping your audience explore fresh new ideas.

Another way to strengthen your presence could be creating community support initiatives. Launching campaigns that support local causes or partnering with a nonprofit in your area can help keep your brand invested in what matters most where you are.

The age-old resolution to exercise more can be a metaphor for our professional development. Let’s transform this concept into a marketing resolution. Dedicate time to explore new marketing trends and technologies. Stay curious and open-minded; sometimes, the best ideas come from uncharted territories. Stretch outside of your comfort zone and build a new strength!

Are there any emerging technologies you’ve been considering experimenting with? A new year is great time to start exploring how you might implement AI-driven tools in your marketing campaigns or workflows. You could also use some of that fresh-start energy to implement more focused and data-driven strategies. There’s no shortage of analytics in the information age, and utilizing this information can help you gain new insights about market trends and customer behaviors and preferences.

In the spirit of spring cleaning, take time to declutter your digital presence. Update your social media profiles, refresh your website, and ensure your content is up to date and relevant. A clean, updated digital presence not only reflects well on your brand but also helps you to stay organized and focused.

List hygiene, or email list cleaning, is another way to keep your digital practices from getting stale. Removing inactive subscribers will give your engagement rates a boost and ensure that your content reaches active and interested audience members. Or how about a toolbox retooling? Evaluate the digital tools and software your brand uses or subscribes to. Removing redundant tools and integrating systems can help streamline your workflow, ensure smoother operations, and probably save you some money on costs.

As we settle into 2024, let’s transform our marketing practices to channel the energy of these marketing resolutions. By staying true to our values, building a supportive community, helping others, continually learning, and keeping our digital space tidy, we set the stage for a successful and fulfilling year ahead.