Credit Union Marketing Videos Create Connections

Is video the right fit for your credit union marketing efforts? Thanks to social media, you can entertain and inform with video.

Credit union marketing videos should be part of your social media. All it takes is an idea, a few tech tools, and a willingness to try. From makeup tutorials to recipe how-tos, social media videos have become a ubiquitous part of the scroll. But video goes beyond fun applications. It can inform, educate, and build community—all perfect reasons to add it to your credit union marketing.

And there are several different ways to add video to your social media routine, making it an approachable medium, whatever your skill, budget, or background. You could:

  • Go live. Hope on Facebook or Instagram using your smartphone or tablet to host quick chats or to share updates about your branch.
  • Try whiteboard animation. Convey educational messages in an engaging format and include the YouTube links in your next e-newsletter.
  • Add movement to your social announcements. Catch more eyes on your social ads with animated text and flowing images.
  • Launch a polished video series. A few adjustments to your lighting and sound can go a long way to promote interviews with staff or capture events.

Video is already part of the social routine, so think beyond text and photos. Being open to video will help your credit union showcase its people, advertise financial services, and keep members informed.

Why Add Video to Social Media Marketing?

Social media is fast. Adding video is an effective way to increase the reach of your brand. The movement, interest, and vibrancy of video is a powerful way to generate attention. Whether a vlog, behind-the-scenes, or tutorial, internet users are absorbing video regularly. According to HubSpot, 78% of people watch online videos weekly. On a daily basis, that number drops to a still impressive 55%. Interest in video is also growing, with users reporting they find video more engaging and easier to recall. Additionally, more than 80% of businesses already use video in their marketing, according to statistics compiled by Social Media Today.

Video is an event in itself, but also part of a comfortable routine. When watching a video, the work for the viewer is lessened. Facts and information are passed on in an entertaining and informative way. However, effective video marketing happens when best practices are applied. Videos should be the highest quality you can make them (translation: not poorly lit) and be accessible for all audiences (so use captions).

Another best practice is to keep videos, for the most part, short. And, while longer videos might work for YouTube, LinkedIn, or going live for special events, social networks generally don’t like long videos.

140 seconds: Maximum length of a Twitter video

60 seconds: Maximum length of Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok videos

The good news is that limits can force creativity, encouraging smart, engaging content that will grab attention. What can you share in 60 seconds about your credit union? Maybe it’s a digestible bite or tutorial that encourages financial literacy. So, you think your credit union marketing should include video? Think about the ways in which you already watch or use video yourself.

Ideas for Credit Union Videos on Social Media

Video continues to become more and more popular. While not a perfect replacement for in-person interaction, it can bring people a lot closer. This aspect of video is especially important during times of social distancing. A credit union can use video to introduce staff members, show a virtual tour of a branch, or visually announce changes in policies. Such video ideas will help views gain a level of familiarity and comfort. Video allows people to meet, interact, and visit places—all without leaving their homes.

woman recording video interview

Additionally, as credit unions introduce and add to their online tools and resources, videos can inform members. On a credit union’s website, the addition of a video explaining online banking, chat services, or how to download and use an app can ease transitions. This is not only effective use of video but helps open doors for members. Through video, members are able to familiarize themselves and make the most of all credit union perks. 

Of course, the biggest part of a credit union is its people. Video puts people up front and center. A weekly Facebook live video series is one way to share the talents of staff with members. This sort of office hours setup could have a financial officer go live on a regularly scheduled day to talk about best savings practices, how to pay off loans, or how to prepare for the natural financial transitions that come with life. Since the live video remains part of your credit union’s social feed, it also removes barriers for members who might have liked to talk with a financial coach but been unable to find the time in the past. For younger members, this idea could be tweaked. For example, a series of quick-hit whiteboard animation videos geared toward kids could be the basis of a financial literacy program. 

But Remember to Tell a Story

While video hopefully feels more approachable for your credit union’s marketing plans now, it’s important not to forget that video is a storytelling medium. Even when going live, you should have a plan. Thinking ahead about what you want to accomplish through video is key. Ultimately, this will help your videos succeed.

Although videos remain a popular part of social media, no one owes you a view. Interest and attention come when you have effectively executed your video story—whatever that may be. Whether working with your marketing professionals or asking your employees what they think video could add to your credit union, brainstorming is a key first step. What story do you want to tell? What story do your members want to hear?

When you’ve discussed these two questions, you’re off to a good start. Give video a shot. There’s an inherent element of fun in producing video, but it can also be work. Planning is key, as is sticking with a plan. If video is a new element to your credit union social media, consider trying not one, but a few. This will help build a routine for your members and present different avenues for them to engage with you.

Through planning and creativity, you can bring credit union members together on social media with video.

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