Creative Connections

Image of open lock with Google AI advertising icons superimposed
Unlocking Google’s AI Advertising Innovations
Google’s AI-driven advancements will fundamentally reshape how marketers connect with audiences. Here’s your handy timeline of when new Google products will be available so you can future-proof your brand. The era of AI-powered advertising has arrived, whether we are ready...
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Climber scaling rock with sunset in background
5 Adaptable Marketing Resolutions to Inspire Businesses
As a new year unfolds, many of us find it to be a time for reflection and setting new goals, not just personally, but professionally. This year, what if we try to apply the spirit of New Year's resolutions to our...
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Man In Blue Denim Jacket Holding A Megaphone
How Does Content Spread For Your Audience?
Want to gain traction with your social posts online? Make it easy for your followers to find and share. Shouting into a void is just that – sharing a message which no one will hear. If your organization wants to...
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Blue Umbrella on Black Stairs
Rainy Day Marketing Makes the Most of Any Weather
Rainy days got you down? There are storms to weather on social media, but not every cloudy forecast will be a washout. Listen up marketers, rainy days can yield flowers if you’re willing to pull out the marketing umbrellas. As...
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black keyboard with rainbow backlighting
How Does an App Name Spell Success?
From dating sites to travel platforms, successful apps find their marketing groove with the right calling card. What’s in an app name? Everything. Consider, for example, that the photo-sharing app and social media platform Instagram started out as Burbn. Like...
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person holding image of multicolored lightbulb illustrating creative thinking
Grow Diverse Thinking in Small Business Marketing
Big ideas are possible. As part of a small business, encouraging diverse marketing thinking starts with you and how you work with your team.
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Creative woman with business plans on the wall
Brainstorming Block? Here’s How to Work Through It
Does creative brainstorming leave you feeling overwhelmed? Having goals, routines, and a creative group can ensure a productive brainstorm.
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Invest in Your Local Small Businesses
6 Ways to Financially Support Small Businesses and Shop Local
It’s time to help our friends and neighbors out.
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Free Ways to Support Small Businesses
6 Free Ways to Encourage Small Businesses
You don’t have to leave home or spend money to show support.
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How Can Marketers Be Helpers in Uncertain Times
In Times of Crisis, Understand Your Audience’s Needs
In times of crisis, it’s especially important to understand what your audience wants.
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