October 2019

Plan Prepare Success are the steps for success of an organization
Two Terms to Know: SWOT and KPI
The success of an organization is linked to its strategy. How do you determine the strategy? How do you know if your strategy is effective? Here are two terms you need to know if you hope to set and track...
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Building relationships through Social media marketing
Take It To The Next Level: Relationship Marketing
You are building relationships through your marketing. Your fans, followers, consumer, and clients aren’t nameless and faceless. Each one is a person with a special interest in you and your business. And you have a special relationship with them. When...
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Say Hello to Your New friends and meet potential clients
Hello! Let’s Meet Up! Clients and Friends
How can we make new friends and meet potential clients? Longtime followers and returning customers are great. That’s because they are your most loyal supporters and promoters. These are the folks who already know who you are. They also understand...
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Follow a trusted industry news site on Twitter
Don’t Be Scared! Put Yourself Out There Anyway!
What scares you? Is it not getting any “likes” on a post? Setting up an event page and seeing zero RSVPs? Pressing send on an email? OOOooo—that IS scary! As social media managers and marketers, we’re constantly putting ourselves out there....
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Three leaders keep us on track
Quotes to Inspire Your Strategy
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Good leaders keep us on track. Leadership and strategy are closely linked. Without a captain and destination, we would be aimlessly paddling about. But a good leader knows setting a strategy isn’t about merely creating a to-do list. First, a...
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Quotes to build a strategy.
Break Down Social Media Goals
When we break down a task, we make our success more attainable. Embarking on a social media journey can feel overwhelming. From building a following to monitoring trends, you may think you don’t have time. But the virtual side of...
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Why afraid of technology
3 TED Talks To Calm Tech Fears
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Don’t be afraid of technology. For some people, that might be easier said than done. In our fast-paced, tech-driven world, it can be hard to keep up with change. As a result, we might fear it. How do we continue...
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