Join Jess and Brooke, from Delaware Shoutout, as they chat about what it takes to really take your LinkedIn profile to the next level.
Join Jess in this episode as she sits down with Epic's Communication Director, Amy to talk about why you should have a 10- second, 30-second, and 60-second pitch. Better yet, she'll even teach you how to write one for yourself.
Join Jess as she sits down with Whitney Hoffman to talk about the ways you can grow your business. Grab a pitcher of your favorite drink and pour yourself a glass and take a listen to the opener of Season 2 of The Theory of Marketing.
We're a year old! We've been covering the marketing topics relevant to your needs and we're taking a breather to see where we've come from to decide where we're going.
On this week's podcast, join Jess and Social Media Strategist Brooke Miles as they talk about hashtag strategies and what they mean for social media.
Join Jess and the owner of Gloss Salon, Bethany Malloy, as she shares with us how the salon creates its user-generated content. She also provides insight on some of her favorite content and what they do to keep people engaged.
Summer is here, the future is looking bright, and people are not staying home and finally going out. Listen in to learn how you can make the customer experience easier and more convenient for Q3!
From Youtube to TikTok, Netflix and back, what makes content explode? Do you know where your audience is? Are you bringing them high value content? Tune in to this week's podcast as Chris dishes out some scroll stopping knowledge.
Congrats Grads! Whether it's from high school or college you have the whole world at your fingertips. Tune in to Jess and Jenni Jones of Belfint, Lyons, & Shumans, CPAs to chat about this hot topic - getting experience and finding a career.
Spruce up your marketing this spring! Join Jess as she chats with Chrissie Czerwonka of Think Marketing on this weeks podcast. It's springtime - and what a great time to spring clean your marketing!
On today's episode Jess sits down with Delaware legend, Sam Waltz. Listen in as this native Midwesterner talks about his storied Delaware reporting career and how he met a bright young Senator named Joe.
Jess is back with one of Epic's consultants, Whitney Hoffman to talk about building your pertinent personas for your business!
For this week's podcast, Epic Futurist in Residence Peter Shankman took the guest chair with Epic Creative Director Amy Warrington filling in as host. They had a timely discussion on marketing in 2Q!
Epic Creative Director Amy Warrington again did an Epic job filling in as host! Her guest this week was Epic Creative Team Coordinator and podcast newbie Bre, for a conversation on newsletters.
This week, Epic Creative Director Amy Warrington filled in as host. She was joined by Epic Copywriter Dara for a fun conversation on apps and other things that could be real—but aren't—in honor of April Fool's Day!
This week, Jess spoke with Jaime Carter-Houck, co-owner of the Bomshell Boutique in Rehoboth Beach. Listen in as they discuss the importance of having an e-commerce presence—because every business is an online business these days.
Jess had the pleasure of speaking with Carole Langiu, Cooperative Credit Union Association's Director of Communications. They talked about the unique role credit unions play in their members' lives and in the communities they serve.
Jess is in for a treat as she chats one with not one guest, but two—Epic's Corporate Director Ann Manley and Senior Copywriter Sheryl Silberberg. Jess, Ann, and Sheryl discuss what it takes for your social media followers to love (not just like) what you post.
Get with the program(ming)! Jess sits down with our CEO Nancy Dibert to talk about ADA compliance. Keep yourself in the clear, and take a listen.
Jess sits down and chats with one of the founders of Brand Swan, Jane Clark. Jane and Jess will take you through the process of building a brand - especially the branding process, from choosing colors to finding the right shapes to fit your logo.
Put your money where your audience is! Join Jess as she sits down with Amy, Epic's Creative Director as they talk all things budget
Join Jess as she sits down with the newest Puppy Pandemic Squad member, Peter Shankman to talk about what we can expect from 2021 (because 2020 taught us to expect the unexpected).
Hit the high note with these tips from Dara! Jess chats about pitches - and not the singing kind - with one of Epic's Copy Writers, Dara.
Calling all credit unions! This week Jess will sit down with Heidi Wesley-Cleveland, the Chief Marketing officer at Verity Credit Union in Seattle, Washington and talk all thing membership related.
Creativity is a process and this week Jess chats with our Art Director Kristin Koby about what goes into that final commercial or print ad.
Meet Maureen! On this podcast, Jess chats with Maureen and Rosina of the Nassau County Police Department Federal Credit Union about winterizing your CU!
On this week's podcast, join Jess as she chats with our project manager/ accountability fairy Flora. Flora is the glue (or fairy dust) that keeps Epic running down the right set of tracks.
In this weeks episode Jess chats with Epic blogger Dara about keeping your marketing flavorful and diverse across all avenues.
In this weeks episode Jess chats with Epic blogger Dara about keeping your marketing flavorful and diverse across all avenues.
In this weeks episode Ann and Jess are together again discussing the importance of crisis communication. While you may not have started the fire, we are here to help you put it out.
In this weeks episode our Corporate Director, Ann Manley comes from behind the scenes to discuss influencers with Jess.
In this weeks episode Jess chats with Allsouth Credit Union's Vice-President of Marketing, Connie Hernandez Vizitei . Listen in as they discuss the importance of content pillars.
In this weeks episode Jess chats with Epic's own Head Copywriter Sheryl Silberberg. Listen in as they discuss why hiring agency is best for your marketing needs.
This week Jess chats with Verity Credit Union's Chief marketing Officer Heidi Cleveland about, well, banking on good and just plain good banking!
Ever wonder where the names for some of your favorite apps came from? Well we did. Tune in and listen to Jess quiz Amy on the origin for some of our favorite apps.
In this week's episode, Jess Burton and Epic's blog writer Dara McBride discuss the value of a blog for your business or organization.
In this week's episode, Jess Burton chats with our CEO, Nancy Dibert, about a secret weapon in your visual tool box - VIDEO!
In this week's episode, Amy and Jess are back to talk about engagement. And we don't mean diamond rings, we're talking social media engagement!
In this week's episode, our podcast host Jess Burton connects with Tera Technology President and Founder Ryan Weick for a discussion on how to protect yourself online.
In this week's episode, Epic's own Futurist-in-Residence, Peter Shankman, is on the mic with our podcast host, Jess Burton.
In this week's episode, our Creative Director, Amy Warrington take the reigns as host and puts our usual podcast host, Jess Burton, in the hot seat.
In this week's episode, our Creative Director, Amy Warrington and podcast host, Jess Burton, chat about balancing creativity and deadlines, staying creative under pressure, and how to turn distractions into catalysts for creativity.
Epic Marketing's CEO, Nancy Dibert, talks with our host about why she founded epic, what its like working with her husband, and more!